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Coast-to-Coast Flag Run to Finish in L.A.

(Los Angles AP) -- A month after leaving Boston on a cross-country tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks, a 3800-mile flag-waving relay run is scheduled to come to a close Sunday near Los Angeles International Airport.

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American and United airlines employees organized the event as a memorial to the victims and a fund-raiser for survivors. The two airlines lost planes bound for Los Angeles from Logan Airport on September eleventh when terrorists steered them into the World Trade Center.

Darrell Ashcroft is an American Airlines pilot from Seal Beach and a volunteer organizer for the event. He calls it "a symbolic finish to the two flights that didn't make it."

A spokesman for the run says $25,000 has been raised for selected charities so far.

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Source: KTVU/Fox2 and Associated Press


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