America Needs You!

Wondering how you can contribute to the repair of this great nation? How about donating your feet?

American Airlines and United Airlines have started the Flag Across America run. Employees of both airlines, along with military service members, will carry the United States flag on a run across the country from Massachusetts to California. The run started in Boston on Thursday, October 11 and coordinators hope to finish in Los Angeles on Veterans’ Day, Sunday, November 11.

Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) Executive Director David F. Dobrzynski participated in the Northern Virginia leg of the American and United Airlines Flag Across America run. He invites RRCA clubs to join in.

“There has been a tremendous patriotic response to the September 11 attacks on America. Many people want to contribute by making financial donations to some wonderful charities and relief efforts,” says Dobrzynski. “The RRCA will continue to support those efforts. But today, I witnessed firsthand the healing power of making a non-financial contribution to those in need.”

The RRCA’s director ran with several groups of runners over a 22-mile stretch and said he experienced emotions that he never would have with a monetary donation.

“Sometimes in life, words fall short of expressing an appropriate feeling,” adds Dobrzynski. “Do yourself a favor. Lace up your shoes and run with the employees of the airlines and military as they carry this flag in remembrance of the loved ones they have lost. You will help the healing process for grieving families, friends and yourself.”

More runners are needed for this event to continue. Runners and interested sponsors may visit the event’s Web site at Other cities en route are Atlanta, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, Phoenix, and Los Angeles.

Please write the RRCA to describe your club’s participation at


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